Happy Spanish Day

Yesterday, October 12th, we celebrated National Spanish Day, commemorating the discovery of America in 1492 by Christopher Columbus (in representation of Catholic Monarchs of Spain). It’s not well known the origin of this navigator, but he is essential in Spanish history because from that moment, the Golden Age of Spain started- the Spanish Empire. Spain became the most powerful nation in the world, reaching the territorial pinnacle at the end of 18th century.

Later, the state started to lose all of its lands and with that, also its power. It’s necessary to say that Spain was never characterized by its good political leaders and this stays the same today.

Despite everything, yesterday was a day to be proud of Spain, just because it’s our home. And above all else (flags, frontiers and ideologies) it’s a day to be proud of being a world citizen 🙂

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Una respuesta a Happy Spanish Day

  1. alex dijo:

    In the old days – before the Internet existed – teachers would say goodbye to their students and have no idea about what their future held.
    How that has changed, and a perk of my job is now being able to watch Natalia and read her life record. Your English is doing pretty good, Natalia, and like another comment I read, I agree about your positive personality. It can be difficult to maintain a positive outlook when there are so many pressures, but you’re doing just fine.
    Now, having written these comments, I have to work out which button to click on…..

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